domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

Things happen (115 days)

When you live in another country everyday you learn something new, because it's not just about the language...It's about the whole culture, and sometimes the way to learn the things it's not the easiest..."Shit happens" and also funny stuff. I'm go to write about some stuff that had happend to me in this 115 days, things that I didn't understand or I did "wrong" with some of them I just laugh really hard and with others I wanted to be burried 10 meters on the ground haha! let's see..

Nordic culture vs Latin american culture
There is no winner! just one loser =/ --> Me and my hundreds mistakes haha! so I'll share them with you and also things that just happen in DK (actually in other places too but it'smore interesting to say it that way )or doesn't happen Chile.

Things that just happen in Denmark

Random: When you are at home or someewhere else little and funny stuff can happen to you. As a exchange student answerd the telephone in my house is something that it's NOT going to happen (at least not yet) and here in Denmark I've noticed that when they answer the phone they say "Hej, (their own name)" the problem with that, is that if you do that in Chile it meas that you are looking for someone "hej,______?" it's like your asking if you are talking with a person with that name, so days  ago my sister called me and said "Hi, Laura" so I just answered "No, Venecia" because I thought it was someone else asking for  her, the stupid part was when I realized that was her on the phone...Thank you thank! I know that I'm sooooo clever #sarcasm 

At the dinner the families sit at the table and they put to food in the middle, so then everyone take a bit and they wait for each other so they all together (at least in my beautiful family :D) so it was my brothers (Laura&Asger) birthday and they say that it was time to eat , I saw the plates, and I just sat in the first chair that I saw, but in that place the plate already have food...
Suddenly the cousin of my my brothers was just standing next to me and the uncle said to me that it was her place...OBVIOUSLY! she went to the kitchen and put the food on her plate and the plate on her place and I was on it! hahaha I felt soooo embarrased, I'm just so used that in Chile my mom put the food on the plates and I just have to sit at the table and wait for it or is already there waiting for me(yummi!) . Another issue that I have with the food here is that I don't know when is a dissert or normal food, or what do I have to put on it, etc, I was with my mum and people from our town eating cake and cookies so there was a white cream and I thought "mmm cream let's put a bit on the cake" but then I taste it and it was really bad so I looked at my mum and someone from the town was saying to her that I put the creme on the cake and not in the weird cookies ...#success Venecia #success
Danes also can be really good at trolling you (or me) here almost everyone speak english, and they are really good at it! one day I needed to go to my classmate's house and I didn't know how to get there, so I start to ask to everyone in the street...Suspiciously everyone said "Sorry I don't speak english" with a beautiful accent ... WHAT? SINCE WHEN? thank you! but a nice girl gave to me a map in the trainstation and that map now is my BFF <3
Danes are the masters when we talk about sarcasm, is their kind of humor, and sometimes is something difficult when you actually don't know them, so one day I used my kind of sarcasm when we went into a restaurant and the owner said that if we didn't buy 8 pizzas (we were 8) we can't sit there ( the place was almost empty) so I said to the waiter ..." oh of course I understand, this place is so full of people that you need the table" (it was clear..pure #sarcasm) but the waiter just said with a big smile " yess exactly thank you" ...OKEY.

My Chilean culture is a big part of me..So obviously I have made things that usually a Dane wouldn't do, it's easy to know that I'm not danish ahhah I'm well known in Chile for say hi to all the people in the streets without knowing them or talking with them in the bus (like ..always) so here I try to don't do it that much, but it's part of me. For example, been on the train and ask a man "hey, I'm curious...What does it means? (his tattos)" or dance in the middle of an important street with a poster of "hug an exchange student" and then see one of your classmates and scream and run because I felt sooo embarrased but after I did all the "show" I went to him  to ask for a hug haha #straight to hollywood Venecia!

When you are an exchange student,you come to learn a new culture, but not exactly to make it yours. 
I love Chile, I love my culture, and I love to be latinamerican :) but also I love all the things that I'm learning here.

I think next time I'm going to write a bit about the school :) 

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

100 days.

If you read this I will give you a candy, because it's important for me :)
So, I have been in Denmark the las 100 days, I haven't wrote about it or taken many photos, but I have lived this experience with all that I have, I have had good moments and really bad ones, I have felt alone and loved, I have missed Chile and I have smiled to all the new people that I have met. 
Now this is for the ones who knows me... Danish and Chilean people (also all over the world AFS <3) 

Diferences Between Denmark and Chile 
Not better or worse, just different.

People: Danish people is really shy, you have to talk to them, and also try to don't push too hard because they need their "privacy" or that's what we think. Chilean people doesn't have privacy(not good), we are just a lot of people together, who talk about their problems with their friends or just with an stranger, you always have to take care and remember don't tell your secrets to strangers, and actually to anyone. 

Contact: Physical contact in denmark is almost NOTHING, just shaking hand or a hug with one arm, for me, it's the most difficult part. Chileans are hugging all day or  just "touching" (doesn't sound good, but it's true) sometimes Chileans "touch" each other too much. I think both countries go to the extremes. pd: I need hugs.

Relationships: Here (in DK) is normal call the teachers by their names, call also the parents by their names...WEIRD haha! I can't , it's just that I CAN'T! In Chile the people that is older than you is an authority , so you can't call them like you call your friends, it's normal to call "aunt" or "uncle" to the parents of your friends. For me this have been difficult, I really don't know how to call the people.

Facebook: If Chileans think that they (we) use too much facebook, you haven't lived here! Danish are ALL DAY on facebook (also me) . The problem of Chileans with facebook is that  we have to write everything in the wall of the others persons, we can't use just inbox, it has to be in their wall.

Partys:   The partys in Chile are always like first, "previa" go to a house before the party, drink, dance, talk , play, etc... Second, go to the party and JUST DANCE (sometimes kiss haha), but is not about just drink, is about DANCE :D. Partys here, first, "previa" also, the same thing...Second the party, where actually it's going to a bar (moving constantly ) and get drunk, girls dance, but to make a boy dance it's a bit more difficult, actually they do,but it's not like they are going to you and to your friends and will ask "hey, do you want to dance with me? " NOOOOO! It's not like that.

Boys = Girls:  In Denmark boys and girl are the same, gender equality level god, so gentlemens almost doesn't exist! I GIVE A SH**T ABOUT GENDER EQUALITY! I want my gentlemens ahahah! I can't generalize, because I know some boys that actually are gentlemens. I have to say it, it's better this way at least when we talk about work, money and oportunities, that a man open you the door it's not going to feed you. 

Healthy: Chileans eat SO FREAKING BAD! I didn't know that until I came here, really we so bad, but in Denmark the people care a lot about being healthy, and it's really good, I hope that when I come back to  Chile I remember it....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP hahah give my chocolate.

Cleaning: The cities in Denmark are so clean and I love it :D

Honesty: Danish people is honest, sometimes for me it sounds a little bit rude, but it's because I'm not use to it, in Chile the people is not really honest, and they will smile to you even when they just want to kick you in the ass. 

Denmark is a beautiful country, when I chose DK  I thought that it was going to be different than Chile, but I never thought that it was going to be SOOOOO diferent. It's more difficult to get to the people, but when you do, you actually can trust in them, I'm happy, I'm glad, because it's not about being the best friend of everyone (that's not going to happen) it's about trying to find one person, just one, who cares about you, and when you do, it's enough :) I know that not everyone it's that lucky, I have a really good class, somedays I almost don't talk,  I can't understand their conversations, but it is just because it's different, and I already understood , I'm happy because even when I don't understand I feel with the confidence enough to just start a conversation and I know that they are going to be really nice and continue with it, also I know that some of them cares about me and that is the best thing ever. Here in Denmark I have learned to appreciated EVERYTHING, I appreciated every laugh, every "hug", every time that someone say "goodmorning" for me it's just amazing, and if you can't appreciated that kind of things, this kind of experience in a country so different than yours it's going to be really difficult...Just enjoy the good things, because you will cry sometimes, and feel alone, but if you enjoy that little moments, and that little things, at the next day you will be able to smile. I'm smiling :) 

Thank you Denmark for everything! I have a beautiful host family, I have learned to love my small town Ryde, and my asooom class 2.b

Don't forget that I'm a latin girl, I just need smiles, hugs, and a nice chat with you danish people, I came to this country because I want to learn about you... So teach me :D 

pd: You can see I'm different, but I have my mind open and I'm ready to learn. 

Thank you for reading.

Venecia Isabel.

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Si amar es una decisión...

Si amar es una decisión, 
decido escribir,
si buscar la inspiración es en vano,
decido escribir,
si no tengo forma de expresarlo,
decido escribir.

Si eliges no volver,
decido escribir,
pero si un día regresas,
escribiré para ti porque de un modo u otro,
siempre fue así. 

No necesito de letras
no necesito influencias
no necesito una musa
te tengo.
te tuve.
Es suficiente. 

Puedo colmar un libro
rebosar las hojas de un cuaderno
puedo escribir cientos de historias
cuentos y poemas
puedo ser quien tú quieras
sólo dime
no dejes que la tinta seque.

Dime que somos todo
que juntos nos existe el vacío
dime que no me mientes 
miénteme si es necesario 
no necesito verdades
sólo te necesito.

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Social smoker

Un cigarro, la campera cerrada y el encendedor en el bolsillo, tarde perfecta para una caminata pasajera, un viaje dentro de nuestros cinco sentidos y los otros tantos que existen, nadie conoce el recorrido ni el destino, somos pasajeros en este mundo, pasajeros que viven, comen, ríen y van al baño, pasajeros, simples pasajeros. Dentro de esta caminata donde no eres más que un soma y la psique , donde no hay más que el último respiro de Homero o el espíritu de un cristiano, es allí, es aquí, donde esta caminata se torna un viaje interno que va desde el séptimo cielo hasta los abismos de la tierra, donde tenemos la chance de conocernos, de saber que somos o lo que desearíamos ser, sólo fumadores sociales, disfrutamos el cigarro de la palabra y lo desechamos juntos con el filtro del sentimiento, mientras que la humareda de lo que se obvia infecta el entorno. Que hermoso día, yendo hacía ningún lado, ni tú ni yo sabemos lo que nos espera al cruzar aquella puerta a un mundo lleno de posibilidades, probabilidades inciertas que ni el baldor nos enseña como resolver, que ni nuestra mente encaja las claves para elegir la mejor opción. En esta conversación que mantengo con charcos en planos paralelos, de encontrar lo infinito cuantitativo y lo que no tiene cavidad en el espacio, no dejo de enfocar una octava parte de las ocho áreas de la inteligencia que en mí, se supone , deberían coexistir, en buscar una excusa para creer que el escapar a las necesidades intrínsecas de cada uno como persona son más que por el menester de una identidad propia, sino que son las búsqueda de algo sustancial. Es la trama que nos envuelve y desenvuelve, forjando el huero en una industria de fumadores sociales.